Welcome to my personal web page.

Here you can find my scientific papers and photographic works connected with my passions standing on the edge of philosophy, culture and hard sciences. ]I graduated from the Department of Physics of the Jagiellonian University anocial Sciences and afterwards I received PhD in human sciences in the Cultural Studies Department of SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw. My scientific work is focused on actor-network theory (ANT), the issue developed within the frameworks of science and technology studies by (among others) French anthropologist and philosopher of science, Bruno Latour. I do research on the possibility of numerical representation of ANT and using it to analyse inherent properties of cultures. What is more, the area of my interests includes the issues concerning cultures of autonomous devices and ethics of artificial intelligence.


ORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0002-2138-7721

 Researcher ID: R-7031-2017






Zgrzebnicki, P. (2018), Kulturoznawstwo uniwersalne, kulturoznawstwo interdyscyplinarne. Człowiek, syntetyczne populacje i sztuczna inteligencja,
[ Universality and Interdisciplinarity of Culural Studies. Man, Synthetic Populations and Artificial Intelligence ]
National Scientific Conference "Asking About Cultural Studies / Asking About Humanities", June 22nd 2018, Poznań

Zgrzebnicki, P. (2018), The Structural Realism of Agent-Network Theory as the Philosophical Basis for Understanding Complex Systems,
10th Scientific Session of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School, SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, May 18th 2018, Warszawa

Zgrzebnicki, P. (2018), Przyszłe teraźniejszości. Planowanie i współodpowiedzialność etyczna w projektowaniu nowych technologii
[ The Future Nows: Planning and Ethical Co-Responsibility in Designing New Technologies ]

Zgrzebnicki, P. (2018), The Status of Gender and its Roles in the Narrative of Actor-Network Theory: Gender Bias Case Study in Gross Domestic Product

Zgrzebnicki, P. (2018), Ogród jako poznawcza konieczność
[ Garden as a Cognitive Necessity ]

Zgrzebnicki, P. (2017), Development of Eugenics Theory from Positivist Rationalism to the Tragedy of the Second World War Exemplified by Selected Excerpts from the Works of Darwin, Galton and Stoddard,

Zgrzebnicki, P. (2017), Historiografia i historiofotia: od kanonu do algorytmu,
[ Historiography and Historiophoty: From a Canon to an Algorithm ]

Zgrzebnicki, P. (2017), Local Entropy Patterns in Continuous Cellular Automaton Models.
14th European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL 2017), 4-8.09.2017 Lyon,

Zgrzebnicki, P. (2017), Perspektywy modelowania numerycznego w kulturoznawstwie,
[ Perspectives on Numerical Modelling in Cultural Studies ]
in J. K. Stępkowska & K. M. Stępkowska (eds), Innowacje w nauce i społeczeństwie wczoraj i dziś. Perspektywa Interdyscyplinarna (1st ed., vol 2, pp. 33–66), Warszawa: Scientific Editorial Board,

Zgrzebnicki, P. (2017), Selected Ethical Issues in Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous System Development and Large Data Set Processing, Studia Humana, 6(3) pp. 24–33, DOI: 10.1515/sh-2017-0020,

Zgrzebnicki, P. (2017), Wizualizacja w matematycznym modelowaniu kultur,
[ Visualisation in Mathematical Modelling of Cultures ]
in: M. Kowalska & V. Osińska (eds), Wizualizacja informacji w Humanistyce (pp. 309-321), Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, ISBN: 978-83-231-3884-6
Book on publisher's website ]